Robust Superconducting and hybrid Quantum bits
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Marco Paradina joined the project

In my PhD project, I work on cat qubits, a promising type of superconducting qubit where quantum information is encoded in coherent states of a harmonic oscillator with opposite phases. These qubits are particularly interesting because they can operate in a regime where one type of quantum error is autonomously suppressed, making them noise-biased qubits. The remaining errors can be mitigated using a simple one-dimensional repetition code.
To stabilize these coherent states, the standard approach in the community relies on a driven-dissipative scheme, where photons are exchanged in pairs with the environment. However, this method imposes a strict limit on the cat qubit's lifetime due to undesired nonlinearities. To overcome this challenge, we replace the traditional pump with a DC-biased Josephson junction, which leverages the Josephson effect to stabilize the cat states without introducing detrimental nonlinearities.
This strategy opens up exciting possibilities, including the experimental realization of a 4-legged cat state, a superposition of four coherent states. These states can autonomously correct both bit-flip and phase-flip errors, drastically reducing the hardware overhead needed for quantum error correction and paving the way for more efficient logical qubits.
The goal of my PhD is to experimentally implement these stabilized cat qubits using DC-biased Josephson junctions. This work is conducted at ENS de Lyon under the supervision of Benjamin Huard and Ambroise Peugeot, in partnership with the startup Alice & Bob (CIFRE PhD), where I am also supervised by Anil Murani and Jean-Loup Ville.

Superconducting circuit enabling the manipulation of a Schrödinger cat qubit
@N.Hoppenot/ENS Lyon
The RobustSuperQ project aims at accelerating French R&D on superconducting and hybrid qubits protected by construction against decoherence. It is part of a post-transmon strategy, alternative to surface code, in which the French teams are at the forefront. It brings together all of these teams around three complementary concepts: the Cat-code architecture, spin qubits implanted on superconducting circuits, and topologically protected superconducting qubits.
RobustSuperQ is a PEPR,
a priority programme for research and equipment, part of the French Quantum Plan

Assembling a superconducting circuit in cavity
@N.Hoppenot/ENS Lyon
We accelerate the French R&D on robust superconducting and hybrid qubits protected against decoherence. The project is organized into work packages (WP)
- WP0: Bricks of components and methods for WP1, 2 and 3.
- WP1: Cat-qubits encoding information in quantum superpositions of coherent microwave states.
- WP2: Dopant Spin qubits, encoding information in electronic and nuclear spins.
- WP3: Development of new qubits with topological protection.
- WP4: Creation and modernization of two manufacturing platforms* for superconducting qubits, and project coordination.

*Platforms: The two technical poles in the field, Ile-de-France and Grenoble, will make a qualitative leap in terms of resources, via the creation at CEA-Université Paris-Saclay of a new dedicated platform, and the acquisition of fabrication and characterization tools in the two poles. The resources will be pooled and interoperable, and the synergy of know-how and associated processes will be maximized.